Innovate For Life 2024

Innovate For Life 2024 throws a spotlight on the personal stories of innovation and how new medicines can literally change the trajectory of someone’s lives. Unfortunately, patient care in Ireland is not as good as it could be. IPHA believes that every patient in Ireland should have fast and fair access to the latest treatments available.

Let’s give every patient in Ireland the chance to create new memories. 

Innovate For Life Podcasts

New medicines make moments possible.

Jen and Leona’s stories.

Telling their stories are Jen and Leona who, because of advanced migraine medicines, have both been able to experience more of life’s important little moments.

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In the podcast, they openly share their experiences of how migraine once impacted their lives – on being a mother, on their careers, on their relationships – and how transformational their treatment has been.

Because of new medicines – Mary’s story.

Telling her story is Mary who, despite having a retinal disease, can continue to be independent and enjoy doing what she loves most.

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In the podcast, they openly share their experiences of how migraine once impacted their lives – on being a mother, on their careers, on their relationships – and how transformational their treatment has been.

Because of new medicines – Carmel’s story.

Telling her story is Carmel McDonagh  who, since 1997 when she was first diagnosed, has experienced firsthand how new treatments have significantly improved her management of type 1 diabetes.

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Joining her in the podcast is Professor Fidelma Dunne where they chat about the impact of new treatments for diabetes and how they give patients a sense of freedom and better quality of life.

Because of new cancer medicines - Patrick’s story.

Telling his story is Patrick Kivlehan who, because of a successful cancer clinical trial, won’t miss a single precious family moment.

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Joining him in the podcast is Pfizer’s Country Medical Director Orlaith Gavan, where they chat about his personal experience of being on a cancer clinical trial and Pfizer’s cancer moonshot goal.

Previous #InnovateForLife Campaigns